Improvements on a Low-Cost Experimental
Tetrahedral Ambisonic Microphone
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20100223 UT Percussion Group (01:07).
Recorded February 23, 2010, in the Bates Recital Hall at the Butler School of Music of the University of Texas at Austin.
Credits: Thomas Burritt, Conductor
20100223 UTPercGp_L.wav
20100223 UTPercGp_R.wav
20100223 UTPercGp_Ls.wav
20100223 UTPercGp_Rs.wav
20100223 UTPercGp_LFE.wav

20100224 UT Wind Symphony (01:21).
Recorded February 24, 2010, in the Bates Recital Hall at the Butler School of Music of the University of Texas at Austin. Credits: Rob Carnochan, Conductor; Benjamin Lorenzo, Guest Conductor
20100224 UTWindSymph_L.wav
20100224 UTWindSymph_R.wav
20100224 UTWindSymph_Ls.wav
20100224 UTWindSymph_Rs.wav
20100224 UTWindSymph_LFE.wav
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These are very large, uncompressed audio files and are served from an offsite server.