Construction of a Low-Cost Experimental
Tetrahedral Ambisonic Microphone
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The Exp2 Construction Documents are a collection of pdf files which are distributed under a Creative Commons License for educational and experimental uses. This information is distributed as is, without any warranty, implied or not; there is not even a warranty of suitability for any specific purpose. This is a do-it-yourself project to construct an ambisonic microphone resulting in the sheer pleasure of knowing that the microphone you are using is hand built by you. How many people can say they built the microphone they are using, especially when it is a high quality surround mic suitable for recording in the ambience and in the concert hall? If this agreement is not acceptable, you have the option to purchase a commercial ambisonic tetrahedral microphone and do the same type of recording! Hmmm! But would you put your commercial microphone in the middle of a river?

The orignal construction documents are based on papers I wrote for another student to build a copy of Exp2. I would be very appreciative of any comments about, suggestions on, and experiences with this project, especially those that would benefit other students and experimenters. No doubt in the design, construction, and documentation, I assume that the processes described work for others, based on my prior experiences and comments from other folks.
Photograph of Experimental 2 in the Llano River
First ambience recordings with Exp2 were in the Llano River
This website is constructed and maintained by Dan Hemingson.
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